Lets Play Plants, Shall we?

Virtual Classes

If you know your crowd and that crowd is open to learning, laughing and generally making something that captures a good memory, this is a great space to be. I’m always adding new offerings to my repertoire, so feel free to ask!

Currently, I’m confident in helping you have an amazing time building terrariums, repotting small to medium plants, bachelorette parties, office team parties and a general “how to” for creating a solid planter.

Parent Child Face Planter

Closed Terrarium + Snails!

Online 1:1 Chat

There’s a lot an email cannot capture. Written communication taps out at plant name, lighting and watering schedule. I’m here to talk about multiple plants and the issues that arise. Are you using the right soil mix? How often are you pruning? Do you know exactly where to prune? Yes, I’m talking to you if you have a Fiddle Leaf Fig - you’re not alone in your fear.

Do you have a tough space for plants? I am up to that challenge 100%. LETS DO THIS.

Except money trees. They hate me. I’m not your girl for them.

I set conversations by the half hour. That usually covers a good bit of ground! Pricing based on the level of expertise needed!


So you want to know something about plants but it’s not enough for a 30 minute conversation? I understand. Send me an email with some details and I’ll give you what I know!

Unless it’s a super interesting question. Then I’ll go into a rabbit hole of research for us both!

“May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day.”

- Native American Proverb